Orpheus, thanks for the reply and I am glad that you are enjoying your music, that's what it is all about isn't it?
As an aside, you may catch some flack around here if you advocate too vociferously that coverting your vinyl to MP3 is remotely high quality. As long as you enjoy it, that is what is important but it is an accidental disservice on your part providing vinyl conversion advice to someone looking for answers without disclosing you are converting to MP3. Like many on this site, I find MP3 lacking considerably qualitatively. Just trying to be kind....
As an aside, you may catch some flack around here if you advocate too vociferously that coverting your vinyl to MP3 is remotely high quality. As long as you enjoy it, that is what is important but it is an accidental disservice on your part providing vinyl conversion advice to someone looking for answers without disclosing you are converting to MP3. Like many on this site, I find MP3 lacking considerably qualitatively. Just trying to be kind....