on my Bryston player it tells you Exactly what rez you are getting so If I buy something it will be as described, also this is a Big point, no matter how good your error correction is it is still being player as as with tons of
noise ,platter wobble and switching going on inside it .I burned all my cds to a seperate usb drive and the program checks
every song bit for bit before it is approved once done you have a superb Hirez Flac file or whatever hirez format you choose .Also I never have to clear a cd or pick one up my Ipad Mpad program shows all the Allbum art. The only time I need to rip a cd is when it is not yet available and online
at Amazon I can buy like new cds for a 1/3rd used and once ripped which takes maybe 2 minutes it is permanent .I back up the cds to the main drive file ,and now I am even running a 256 gig
Solid state for the best storage out there .This is the future I tried going back ,to using a cd player it is like going back to the stone age, 600 + cds at my command
and sounds far better , and I have had several Hiend cd
systems - transport and dac and everyone that comes over agrees , Don't knock it until you try it .
noise ,platter wobble and switching going on inside it .I burned all my cds to a seperate usb drive and the program checks
every song bit for bit before it is approved once done you have a superb Hirez Flac file or whatever hirez format you choose .Also I never have to clear a cd or pick one up my Ipad Mpad program shows all the Allbum art. The only time I need to rip a cd is when it is not yet available and online
at Amazon I can buy like new cds for a 1/3rd used and once ripped which takes maybe 2 minutes it is permanent .I back up the cds to the main drive file ,and now I am even running a 256 gig
Solid state for the best storage out there .This is the future I tried going back ,to using a cd player it is like going back to the stone age, 600 + cds at my command
and sounds far better , and I have had several Hiend cd
systems - transport and dac and everyone that comes over agrees , Don't knock it until you try it .