Are CD players dead

I went to an audiophile meeting today and the owner of the store said Cd's and cd players are dead. He said you need to start learning about computer audio or you will be left behind. Is what he is saying true?
"How do you keep the Major Labels honest, and committed to increasing Music
Selection in High Rez. Downloads?”

My surmise is that the fixed costs associated with offering a Hi-Rez download are significantly less than those of producing and distributing a CD. Once more audiophiles start investing in computer based front ends, I can’t imagine why it wouldn’t be profitable for the major labels to offer more Hi-Rez downloads.
Phaelon, this doesn't make up for lack of transition between CD and High Rez. Downloads! There is no Music
Selection Overlap here at all. When you change Formats,
Music Selection overlap between them means no-one loses
their Music. There is time inbetween to save your Music,
and adapt/compensate. Ending CD by end of 2012 is like
feeding all Music lovers to the Sharks. They get eaten,
O-kay by you??? Cutting off an Audiophiles ears to spite
his face-accomplishes what towards Music listening?
Yeah, I think I'll stick with my EMM before I surrender to the the iTunes tsunami.
(And the spellchecker here capitalized the T in iTunes for me. That probably means it's so embedded in the culture it's the only way to go.)