Dac suggestions to pair with Squeezebox Touch

I'm trying to put together a budget upgrade for my Dad's Squeezebox Touch. Budget is $300 tops. Will the SB feed an asynchronous DAC like an HRT? Suggestions? Alternatives?
i totally forgot about the schiit. can't wait until more user reviews of that pop up. and you can always add usb later for $100 when you need it.
The Schiit Bifrost looks really good. They make excellent product - I've heard their Lyr headphone amp. I imagine this DAC is going to be really good. Crooner, let us know what you think of it (and how it compares to others, if you've tried others).

Thanks so much for the info! I had no idea the SB could already up sample a pandora stream to 24/96 via the analog outputs.

Crooner, Thanks for the Schiit recommendation.

I guess at this point I'd be interested in hearing from anyone who's compared the SB's internal dac with other outboard DACs.

How high up in price does one have to go before one hears noticeable improvement? Perhaps an upgraded power supply would be a better direction (?)
In the past, I've used my SBT with a Musical Fidelity V-Dac which is an excellent combination and very simple. Should be able to find one on the 'Gon for around $200
i've mostly used it with the valab nos dac and the eastern electric minimax plus dac. i didn't spend much time listening to the analog outputs so can't offer much by way of comparison. i'll check the analog outputs again and let you know what i think. i seem to recall them sounding fine.

the whole issue of price around the touch is interesting. i bought it as a stopgap while i figured out exactly how i wanted to go from the listening i was doing while in front of my computer while i worked but i haven't committed to any other solution yet. so, this $300 stopgap may end up being all i need for a while. there are mods by bolder and there was this whole review on audiocircle about it:


i haven't explored any mods or power supply changes but they're out there and getting positive reviews from users and reviewers. CIA seems like an inexpensive entry point to the power supply and may be worth looking into. the full on bolder mods described in the audiocircle review can go over $1000. most people seem to notice the CIA power supply's effect, although no one has written anything as enthusiastic as this bolder review. the higher the price, the more the enthusiasm, it seems. :) i think i'll start with the CIA at some point and see how i like it. as yet, i've only used the stock touch with the stock power supply with the different dacs i mentioned and haven't really found myself wanting...which is why i've been hesitant to look into the power supply offerings. a great resource for touch related info seems to be john darko at digitalaudioreview out of australia. he seems to use it as one of his primary transports, along with a mac. you might check him out and decide what works best for you from his trials and tribulations and look more on audiocircle and computeraudiophile for touch info. i'll be curious to see what others on audiogon who have done more experimentation with the touch have to say. i've been so happy with it as is i haven't bothered to search the forums for any answers about it.