Dac suggestions to pair with Squeezebox Touch

I'm trying to put together a budget upgrade for my Dad's Squeezebox Touch. Budget is $300 tops. Will the SB feed an asynchronous DAC like an HRT? Suggestions? Alternatives?
I think the leanness was subjective because I happen to have switched from the Pioneer SP-BS41-LR that I have been using for a couple months to a pair of vintage 15 ohm Rogers LS3/5A's. And the Pioneer's bass response is a tad exaggerated compared to the more refined Rogers.

I made the switch shortly after hooking up the Bifrost so I had the wrong impression the Bifrost was responsible for the bass response change.

I have continued listening to the Bifrost and the bass is definitely there. No shortage in that department.

So, order with confidence. Nice DAC and huge bang for the buck!
Vhiner, I haven't heard the DACMagic, but I can confidently say the Bifrost is superior to the Lite DAC60 with tube output stage and an older EAD DSP-7000 Series III, both retailing for more than $349.
Crooner, thanks for clearing it up for me.
Vhiner, I had the dacmagic and I found the top end to be a bit unnatural and harsh at times. Great dynamics though.