Yes,another DAC question

I've recently got back into listening to my Redbook CD collection. My current digital front end is the Triode Tube CD player as a transport($2200) feeding thru
W4S DAC-1 with upgraded Caps.($1050). Very happy with overall sound but my question is, will upgrading to a higher-end DAC make sense or scrap both and get a better CD player(without separate DAC) I listen to mostly female vocals,acoustic guitar/piano, country folk,and some 70's music. Looking to spend no more than $10,000. I really want to take my system to another level.
My system:
Vandersteen 5A speakers
Pass labs X250.5 amp
Pass labs XP-10 preamp
Triode TRV-CD4Se tube CD player($2200)
W4S DAC-1($1050)
Mix of Nordost and Acoustic Zen cabling
Some high-end DACs I have some interest in if I go that route is, Bricasti M1,
EMM labs DAC-2 and the dcs debussy DAC.
I would look closely at the Rega Isis player; well into the very top class and some have been floating around for a semi-reasonable price i.e. $5k or so. Should easily equal anything under $10k. Do I have one? No; I have the Rega dac, which is quite good but nothing like the Isis. Extrapolating from its performance and the reviews on each in HIFICRITIC the Isis is a great product.
My opinion is that if you are willing to spend up to 10k for a DAC to bring your system to another level you should spend the time auditioning the contenders in your system. There really is no other way. I suppose you could just audition in an unfamiliar system but I'm not a true believer in "triangulation", or discerning what component is specifically doing what, especially in an unfamiliar system. If you have a local audio group, it might be a means of auditioning otherwise I would look for a dealer or distributor that will allow you to listen before deciding. 10K is serious money for a serious listener, I'm sure there are dealers that would be willing to let you try first. btw the W4S with the upgraded caps is in my experience a great DAC for the money but for 10K I'm certain you can get considerable refinement, the question would be, Is it worth it to you? Only you can decide that, not other opinions.
I totally agree with you about auditioning the components I mentioned. I did that with my cables via (the cable co.) I invested quite a bit of money in my system so far and was just looking for members opinions and thoughts on higher price DACs or CD players that would possibly work with my recent system. Thats all. Stanwal mentioned the ISIS CD PLAYER. Like to go the next level of detail, wider soundstage,better separation of instruments,so on and so on.
If possible, expand your budget (slighty), and try to talk this guy down in price a bit...