Have digital players improved

Anyone else notice that the last five years or so digital players have improved to a point where there equal to analog and without all the fiddle f---ing of the latter. It hasn't been simple or easy or inexpensive but it's been rewarding.
Replaced my 1998 cdp in 2010, it embarassed the one it replaced, as it should. In 2011 sold it for a different one with newer technology and its better yet. Either they're getting better or my standards are getting lower.
I have put a lot of time and expense into my digital, and it sounds really nice and musical. Better than I ever thought digital would ever sound. If I didn't have records, I would probably think it sounds as good as it gets.

That being said, my vinyl beats it quite easily. My VPI table sounds like some kind of Super DAC in comparison. I listen to 16/44 digital, and it just doesn't have the resolution to put my brain "over the edge" the way records can. Maybe higher-res digital will be the answer but I have not gone there yet.
Tmorosk, I see you are still dreaming. This type of discussion is soooooooooo old, you replied in another thread approx a year ago and nothing still has changed. Well maybe your set-up.

I personally have taken digital seriously, having many of the worlds leaders within my system and still vinyl is by far my preference.

I agree with Rockitman's reply saying;

12-27-11: Rockitman
sorry, in my experience digital is not the equal of well sorted analog. I have a hard time dealing with the compressed nature of the sound stage and lack of air around voices and instruments that analog excels with and digital fall short.

I could add to it but why, this topic has been beaten to death and I wonder why the MODERATORS even approve such a new thread.

Please delete it already.

For you who feel there is no differnce please just keep spinning those shinny disc and just enjoy!, far less competetion in getting records.

My red-book:
MBL 1621a transport (List $28K)
AA Ref tube dac (List $13K)
Stealth Sextet AES digital cable between the two.
improvements in sound are highly subjective.

i prefer some older digital gear to many of today's digital products.

so i would say, it's a matter of opinion and one's criteria of what good sound is.
Digital is improving rapidly and it will continue to improve for years to come. It seems some people don't like that.