Have digital players improved

Anyone else notice that the last five years or so digital players have improved to a point where there equal to analog and without all the fiddle f---ing of the latter. It hasn't been simple or easy or inexpensive but it's been rewarding.
improvements in sound are highly subjective.

i prefer some older digital gear to many of today's digital products.

so i would say, it's a matter of opinion and one's criteria of what good sound is.
Digital is improving rapidly and it will continue to improve for years to come. It seems some people don't like that.
As usual those who prefer vinyl will defend it as best and then act offended as if their opinion is what counts and is the only legitimate position. It is like how dare you even question the supremacy of vinyl, it's like questioning evolution. Vinyl is very good if well recorded. So is digital. They both sound bad if they aren't well recorded. However, in order to say vinyl is the best sounding format don't you have to also believe we have made no technological advances in recorded music in 50 years? Its like saying propeller aircraft are better than jets. I happily enjoy both while also loving the convenience and portability digital is capable of.
My Electrocompaniet EMC-1Up is still the best player I've heard for $2.5K used.
I'm on my 2nd one, this one has the spider clamp.
Maybe it's lasted because it's oversampling sounds so good, to me.
I'm too lazy to play LPs anymore. I admit it!
I sold my SOTA turntable years ago.
This is my Jet, and I won't own a source without a remote control.
What an excellent analogy!
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