Have digital players improved

Anyone else notice that the last five years or so digital players have improved to a point where there equal to analog and without all the fiddle f---ing of the latter. It hasn't been simple or easy or inexpensive but it's been rewarding.
I've recently been listening to a John Scofield recording called "A Moment's Peace" using an upsampling DAC (CD ripped to computer using a lossless format). It sounds amazing...stunning. Also recently been listening to an LP of Bill Evans' "Waltz for Debbie" on my Linn...also sounds amazing...stunning. I win.
Mr. T , better IS subjective, but wow, " components from the 60's through the 80's when configured sound better than todays better stereo system's ". I don't know what equipment you've used to draw that conclusion. I've been changing and upgrading since 1972 and with each newer component the sound quality Improves, in my opinion. This outlook gets driven home when I reinstall one of my older highly rated components into my system just to reminisce old times. This is fun and entertaining for audiophile/music loving friends that are over for a visit, but after a short while we are ready to go back to my newer, more accurate gear. To each his own.
Regards Tim
Tmsorosk, your thread above and comments made saying;

"Both formats have there virtues and anyone that feels one is superior to the other in every way has not been exposed to enough of both."

Now that's misleading to others reading and a joke! I do agree they are different but the rest you wrote clearly demonstrates you are the one not exposed to enough or just can't hear the difference or just prefer disc which is okay.

and when you wrote;

"If their that narrow minded why are they trolling the digital site's."

This statement is just stupid and clearly demonstrats your true colors.

Kindly enlighten us by providing a list of what you feel are your top 3 prefered red-book players and a list of your prefered 3 tables with arm/cart combo's you have owned or had in your own system comparing these two formats to come to the conclusion you speak of.

This should be entertaining.

Tmsorosk, I found the following thread posted by you so others can read, speaks volumns for it's self showing your true colors.

06-10-11: Tmsorosk

Since vinylphiles continually cruise the digital site with there one sided opinions telling all that analog is so much better , I thought I would come over here and tell everyone how inferior analog is . I trashed my vinyl years ago and have been happy ever since .
Digital rules .
I never never go back to see what members have posted in the past on another forum. That seems not right to me. The discussion at hand is the one right in front of you. Statements stand on their own merit. This is not a gotcha thingy.