Itunes or Cds, the smartest purchase?

Hi there, i was buying lots of cps before from amazon, lately i have been getting them from iTunes on apple lossless format, cause aim on graduate school and certainly don't want cds on the move, in a foreign country, either mp3 or compress formats either....
the dilemma appeared when i start questioning myself if what aim doing is the smartest thing to do, i also record some Cds after, on good music Cd no data.
they sound great to my ears.
Advice about this before i buy to many, back home i have several hundreds on storage.
thanks you always.
I think you're confusing import format on iTunes with download format. Unless iTunes recently added uncompressed music, I'd stick to buying and ripping CDs. I think Rhino Records has uncompressed downloadable music on their site, but the catalog's not anywhere near iTunes'.

If iTunes gave the uncompressed option, I'm sure all the forums would be buzzing about it. I'd love to buy individual uncompressed tracks from them from albums that I didn't care for the entire album. Maybe some day.
I stick to CD's and putting them all on a big hard drive. Big brother can't control what I chose to do with my music after that, no licensing issues. I do end up putting my music on various pc's at home and work as well as in the car...
almost forgot: I also like cd's because my player in my stereo with DAC is far superior quality than that I'll get from an ipod and my pc is not connected to the system.
For all the reasons stated, CDs hands down. I also like having something tangible.

My teenaged kids, on the other hand, would never ever buy a CD. I don't think they've ever bought one and look at CDs the way I view 8 tracks.
..and soon enough our kids kids will look at their ways as old school, and so it goes.