Why CD players will never be dead

The main reason , there is just way to many CD's out there to end a format . Anyone want to take a guess how many ? The manufacturers are still putting there time and resources into developing new and better players , and people with servers seem to be spinning disc's more than ever .
Saying a format or its playback equipment will not die is naive. There were thousands if not millions of 8track players and cassette players before the CD player. Both are now for the most part dead. Other than pro equipment I do not think they are even produces anymore

They almost killed off turntables and the vinyl market. There were tens of millions of TT at one time, every home had one. Only the nitch market kept it going and a good number of people then and now would not believe the rhetoric that CD's sounded better.
I do think vinyl will end, I just hope not in my life time.

I think CD players will die out because DVD and BR equipment can play CD disks. They also do it better in most cases. Just look at the Oppo players of today, I think the output sound quality is better than most CD players unless you pay many thousands of dollars above an Oppo's price.

ThatÂ’s the problem with computers and digital technology, we have only just started to scratch the surface and in the digital age we discard old for new. Remember the floppy dick there were billions of those.
It's also like what we say in New England if you do not like the weather wait a minute it will change.

The fact that you write "alleged" to describe the benefits seems to show an unwillingness to believe.

If I were you I would make it a priority to move to some sort of computer "transport", if not for the "alleged" benefits in sound quality, then for the undisputed ease of accessing your music collection at the swipe of an iPad or press of a key.

I find it hard to believe in the 21st centurary that some wish to look through hundreds of cd covers to find the music they want, then wonder over to a steam powered disk player, pop in the disk, wait for it to read the index, then fumble for the remote to the press play. Why would you do this? The love of the audiophile hair shirt?

Even if the sound quality was the same (and is more likely to be better) the freedom is a much greater benefit than any nuanced euphonics. You can have high quality artwork & all the info as metadata embedded in the file.

It reminds me of the final days of my TT when I could listen to the whole album without having to flip over and clean before playing side 2. The ritual in the end was bogus. It was music we all fell in love with, not rubbish technology & its limitations.