Sabre EE Minimax Plus - Calyx - Audiolab 8200DQ

Im looking into these three 32 bit Saber dacs. Anyone wants to share some insights? Im attracted to the Minimax Plus but the lack of Balanced outputs puts me off.... Thanks!
Thanks Doug, funny read, Ive done worst when tired....

So no comments on the Audiolab? British sites don't have enough info.
Audiolab just started shipping their Sabre 9018 based M-DAC (< $1000), which looks quite compelling based on discussions over at Pink Fish Media forums (where M-DAC designer John Westlake has been active). Initial reviews are quite positive, but I don't think anybody has done side by side comparisons with $2000+ DAC's. John says they will be offering a separate upgraded power supply for the M-DAC next year (? when). Based on what I've read, I went out on a limb and placed a pre-order for the M-DAC, sight unseen (or heard).
Sleepysurf, have you read if John Westlake regard this dac to be better than the 8200? what are the main differences?
He says it's better, and cites a number of reasons too lengthy to post here. Check out the Pink Fish Media forums for details.