Esoteric K-03/Plinius CD-101

Hello fellow audioholics
I am seeking some advice on Esoteric CD players.
I have Dynaudio C4’s with Plinius SA-103, Tautoro and CD-101 with Kimber Hero I/C’s but although I am generally happy with the CD101’s sound I’m considering replacing it for various other reasons.
I’m interested in trying an Esoteric player, potentially the K-03 and was wondering how much of an improvement this player would be compared to the CD-101 with Redbook CD’s as unfortunately I have no way of auditioning.
Can those who have heard both players please comment on what they feel i would gain.

Thanks very much
I cannot compare with your current player however I can compare it with a Sony SCD 777 ES.

I purchased a X03SE because I was sick of the no disc error and not being able to have it read all my sacd's. My friend was interested as he owns the 777 also. When I scored it I brought it over and I was also interested in how the Sony would compare to the Esoteric. I was a little worried as I have never heard an esoteric and was more intested in the teac high level build quality. Sonically it was amazing and much more analog and musical than the Sony. I seriously think it is one of the best purchases in audio I have ever made. I run analog also and although I still think vinyl is more 3d the esoteric sure closed the gap and I can and do listen to hours of digital without fatigue.

My friend does not have vinyl and he recently scored a demo K03. I went and listened last week. It was fantastic and he is probably even more delighted than I am with the X03. He decided to go bigger and the K03 was absolutely superb.

I have not brought over the X03SE to compare to the K03 although we are both somewhat interested in how they match up but I really am beyond happy with the X03 and have marked done on my digital upgrade path.

The purpose of this rambling is to tell you that Esoteric makes absolutely killer spinners.

Have Fun!

As a X03SE owner and K03 wannabe I'd love to hear your views following a comparison of the two units. Please scratch that itch and set up a listening session with both and get back to us!
Thanks Steelhead. I have an old Sony s7700 that I still use for playing dvd’s and it’s very fussy what it will play, very frustrating...

Yes Jkuc, I suspected the Kimbers could be the weak link in my system, they have been with me through numerous upgrades but i didn’t think they were that bad?