Last night after changing cds in my SA-10 the volume was cut by 80% like it went into a limp mode. It has to be cd because I run monoblocks and this effected both channels the same. I tried -changing my interconnects from XLR to RCA -Pulling the plug and resetting -Putting in my other cdp and it plays perfectly. I have taken the player to a local Esoteric authorised repair facility and thus the reason for this thread They feel it has something to do with a mute switch (there is none) so I am concerned that they have the skills required to work on this player. They have so far ruled out the power transformer or regulator. Has anyone experienced anything simular with an Esoteric player? Does anyone have any imput that may help?
Thank you Vegasears for responding. I think I will send it to Esoteric and get it done correctly. Do you recall what issues the player had that required repair?
I seem to remember the redbook playback became unfocused with slight distortion, while all other formats played fine. The second time the SACD playback became garbled. The first repair was under warranty, no charge. The 2nd time it was outside of the warranty period but they didn't charge me. All of the repairs happened during the first two years of ownership and I've had no issues since.
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