Ugh, what to do, what to do... DAC

Well, I am interested in buying a DAC and having such a hard time finding the right fit for my system. Right now, I am using my Squeezebox touch (stock) running into my Melody SP3 thats powering my Strata Minis. My musical taste runs from mostly classic rock to alternative. I enjoy the sound of the squeezebox but it seems as if everyone and there brother agree that adding a DAC will improve things greatly. My budget is $1000.

Interested in the EE plus, Wyred 1 or Rega...

What would you suggest?

BTW, not sure of it matters but my room is TINY. 11x12...
In lieu of more info on your goals, I might recommend any of the mhdt DACs I am familiar with. If your goal is more of a tubelike sound, then a Paradisea or Havana would fit the bill. If you are looking for more SS like noise floor, tightness and extension out of the box without dealing with tube rolling, then the mhdt Constantine if you can find one is a steal.
I enjoyed a benchmark dac with my squeezebox for many years. Well worth a $1,000 upgrade sound wise.
I agree with Chalres1dad. I'm getting wonderful results using the Metrum Octave DAC. Having owned both the Paradisea 3+ and Havana from MHDT, I believe the Metrum is a better far.