CD player closest to vinyl?

What CD players sound closest to vinyl?
Just finished comparing the Lee Morgan's Cooker RVG cd vs the King's pressing of the vinyl and sounds virtually the same on my VPI Classic table vs my Raysonic CD 128 with 6dJ8 tubes. The soundstage on the vinyls sounds slightly wider. YMMV.
I always find these types of questions to be a bit my view, you want digital that sounds like excellent digital and analog that sounds like excellent analog. Each format excels at different things, so if you try to get one that excels at the other's specialties, then you just wind up with a compromised product IMHO.
Ahendler, "If you want the sound of vinyl use a turntable, not a cd player."

Thank you! Every once in a while, someone puts things so brilliantly right that it needs to be wildly applauded.