Best DAC under 2k US ?

I'm thinking of a DAC for my nearfield focal monitors (CMS series). I'm looking for a nuetral to warmish sounding DAC without overly harsh or bright tonality and also musical.

I don't know much about DAC's and I can't audition where I am right now.

Calyx DAC, Bel Canto, Peachtree, Ayer, W4S, Weiss Minerva. Anything else?

Which would suit me best.

A non oversampling DAC such as the 47 Labs Shigaraki could be a consideration as it fulfills your criteria. Pre-owned ones show up on Audiogon from time to time at favorable pricing. New retail pricing may make them less competitive with some other lower cost offerings. I'm very happy with mine that I've been using for the past few years.
You should probably consider the Eastern Electric Minimax. Maybe even the previous version used.
There is a Metrum Octave on here new for just under $1000. It is a NOS dac that has gotten exceptional reviews.I am currently waiting on one from the factory myself. I had a Rega NOS dac and really liked it; the Metrum is suppose to be better, although the Rega has more outputs and inputs for those who need them.