What is the best transport?

I want to upgrade my transport. I am using the Audio Note CDT 2. My dac is the Audio Note 2.1x sig. I have not yet auditioned any new transports, but have read up on the Audio Note CDT 4 and the Esoteric P-03.

Both of these are in the 16-18k price range. My budget can go that high. Will my dac be good enough or be overpowered?

What else is available which should be considered?
Ag insider logo xs@2xchangeout
Unless you always equate higher cost with higher performance, ericminer`s suggestion is correct. The PWT(memory buffer) is really a superb sounding transport and will be difficult to exceed with the much more expensive transports.
Ridiculous to put so much money into a CD transport IMO, even one based on a computer. It's a dying breed like the CD itself. For about 1/8 of that you can have the same performance or better using computer audio, and its more convenient. You can start downloading hi-res too. Also, you dont have to worry about the CDs decaying over time, which they eventually do. I took the modded CD transport out of my rack about 5 years ago. Never looked back. You think that JA of Stereophile still spins the silver disks for himself? No way.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
I've read that the PS Audio transport was manufactured to be used with its PS Audio DAC. It's good to know that perhaps they don't have to be used together after all...

Has the computer based system fully arrived? I have follwed discussions about this format on this forum and others. It seems the manufactuers disagree on usb, firewire and hdmi connections. additionally, opinions on the software are scattered.

I do not doubt this is where the music business will wind up, just not sure if things won't settle out a bit in the next 3-5 years. Do you think JA paid for his gear?


I had not been aware of the PS Audio option. Thanks.
Not evryone agrees that computer audio is'better' like most things in audio it`s subjective. If it suits you then that`s fine. Some folks have a large CD collection and see no need to rip to a hard drive,again simply preference. Who cares what JA prefers,totally irrelevant to others individual needs. Either path can provide a satisfying solution.

The PS Audio PWT is just wonderful with my Yamamoto YDA DAC.