What is the best transport?

I want to upgrade my transport. I am using the Audio Note CDT 2. My dac is the Audio Note 2.1x sig. I have not yet auditioned any new transports, but have read up on the Audio Note CDT 4 and the Esoteric P-03.

Both of these are in the 16-18k price range. My budget can go that high. Will my dac be good enough or be overpowered?

What else is available which should be considered?
Ag insider logo xs@2xchangeout
Changeout: you're gonna have a tuff time finding a better sounding transport at anywhere near the price of the pwt. thought so 3 years ago when i got the thing and still think so today. even though my pc set/up sounds great (pwdII/bridge), i still go back to the pwt for critical listening. it really is a special piece of gear. wish it wasn't!....i'd love to sell it to pursue other shiny toys. could pack away all my disc's for good as well.

you made a good choice imho. enjoy!
I agree with Levy03 in that the PWT is really an exceptional product that offers very high quality sound.It does`nt surprise me the the PWT competes so well with the much more costly Esoteric.The PWT offers 'very high' value and will be difficult(not impossible) to top.It seems Changeout trusted his ears and was`nt swayed by the price tag psychology.The PWT and Yamamoto DAC combined is just devine and very involving.
Is computer audio difficult to set up and run?...I don't think so. Can it sound great?...you bet! Can it drive an audiophile crazy with tweaking?...definitely!!

You audition a few transports on your DAC and find the one you like and you're done, except maybe for some digital cable tweaking (congrats on the PWT by the way, many great reviews!).

With computer audio, though, everything seems to impact the sound so the tweaking involves seemingly endless combinations of ripping software (dbpoweramp, EAC, etc.), file formats (wave vs. flac vs. aiff, compressed vs. non-compressed), computer/storage hardware (PC vs. Mac, different hard drives, NAS, etc.), library management software (iTunes, JRiver, Amarra, UPnP options like Asset) playback software (add-ons to iTunes), settings within playback software. You can definitely get a great system going but you've got to have a lot of patience and good support from your local dealer to put the pieces together for a digital front end system that gives you optimal performance. It's a tweaker's paradise or nightmare, depending on your perspective...

Closed systems help make some of these deicisons for you (e.g. Sooloos) to simplify the matter but they can be expensive.

I agree that computer audio (networked or not) will become increasingly popular but it'll be a different world with a more "open source" type of approach that is more akin to the world of computers than traditional audio.
Canb: spot on buddy...we're miles away from plug & play. have spent countless hours to get my pc set-up where it is today and even then...i run into the dreaded "glitch" once in a while. three years of tweaking, head scratching, help desk calls ect....have me wondering how close we are to a true high quality "plug & play" pc set-up.

between the hardware, software, network and everything else, all the variables are mind numbing. you can get good sound pretty easy imo. getting great sound is something else entirely. thinking i'm pretty close now but it sure wasn't easy getting here.

don't get me wrong. i'm a pc audio fan boy and love my set-up. just want to help others understand where we are in the game. if you don't have the time, patients and will to get it right....you're in for some disappointment and frustration

i own the audionote player you are using as a transport and also own the ps audio perfect wave transport.

the audionote is not a good transport, and i am aware of two transports that i prefer as compared to the ps audio.

i would suggest that you listen to transports. a server is a good idea, but cec use to produce some excellent transports.