Any opinions on the AMR Digital Processor 777 Dac?

I am wondering what users are thinking of this dac and if they have compared it to similarly priced units. I haven't seen much information or any professional reviews at this point and I am intrigued by it's functionality.
I had the chance to do a direct A/B with the new Audio Horizons top DAC the 3.1Sv+ (Its not even in their website yet), the 3.1Sv+ with E88CC NOS is $4.9k, the 777 as you know is $5k.

I'm still in the process of choosing, but there was something with the AMR and depth and instrument placement that just couldnt convince me immediately. On the other hand, the Audio Horizons showed more detail, 3d depth and was slightly more musical, effortless and analogue sounding. What is keeping me from not jumping to buy the Audio Horizons? The preamp of the AMR, which is very good, and it might be a necessary sacrifice.

I will continue my audition of the two, so far I have eliminated the usual suspects: Weiss 202, BADA, PS PWD, EMM MA-1, Naim Dac.

I will post again with more detail. Digital has sure leveled up with vinyl...
The DP-777 is here, used with an optimized HP touchscreen music server.

If you are in the Chicago area you can come for a demo or request an in-home audition. The CD-77.1 and CD-777 also are on display.

Authorized AMR dealer.
Guydebord: I can say with authority (I have broken in 2 AMR DP777 units) that if you do not have about 300 hours on them what you are describing is EXACTLY one of the characteristics I experienced. Before full run-in the DP777 almost had a mono character and left to right realization was not very good; hence instrument placement was off. Once it got past the 230 hour mark all that was an after-though.

With that said, the unit is sublime, I have literally sat and stared at it because the way it makes music is uncanny. I thought my Bidat and the Dynavox Dynastation made beautiful music and they do..., but quite frankly the AMR makes them sound dated.

I actually used the stopwatch function on my iphone and my mac mini with pure music to take note of the changes in sound at various points in time. I have broken 2 of these units in. One for a buddy and then my own personal unit.

I said it before and I'll say it again, it is better than my buddies USD ~ $38K analog front end and that is NO hyperbole. I have listened to that system multiple times and each time it fails to deliver the musicality and sheer enjoyment of the AMR.

Also note that the line stage portion of the AMR HAS to be engaged in order for it to break in along with the dac and power supply.
Hi Audiofun,

I'm curious about what your opinion is on the 16bit NOS vs 32bit playback when you play ripped CDs.


All my music is ripped into the AIFF format. I have noticed that there is a very subtle difference between using the NOS dac as compared the HD dac. The HD dac has a bit of a very very very subtle airiness as compared the NOS chip whereas the NOS chips seems to be ever so slightly more solid sounding than the HD chip (of course we are talking redbook). I would not say that one is better than the other, just a very slight difference I have noticed after scrutinizing the dac over the break in periods (I have broken in 2 DP777 units). It is in my opinion so subtle as to not warrant any effort on my part. I allow the dac to choose NOS for redbook and HD for my hi-res files. I am actually planning on purchasing another DP777 for one of my other systems... it is that good. I hope that helped, let me know if you have other questions. Hrx files on this thing are incredible sounding!