Thanks Trelja for starting this. I came away with a little different impressions. As my mother does not celebrate anything anymore I spent all 3 days at the Hilton.
My take on the TAS room was that the sound was decent and the presentation well run. But together with some other rooms are addressed to Bill Gates and family. It is usefull to listen to the state of the art but I am more interested in things that I can hope to acquire some day. In this same league I would place the mbl system that occupies half the surface of a typical living room. However it sounded very nice especially given the constraints of the small hotel unit. I was not impressed by Egglestone and in the past I have liked their Andras. I think that Egglestone the person is not connected with the company anymore. The Airfoil hybrid is intriguing but with serious appearance problems ( and I have no spouse to contend with). In the cost no object level Lamm monoblocks and Utopias sounded impressive. Vandersteen lacked some magic. Spectral MIT Wilson : the bass was simply too much for that small room. Sonus Faber Amati hommage next door sounded more delicate. I, also agree with the reservations of others regarding Red Rose (they did feature SACD and a middle aged New Yorker salesman with regulation pony tail though). The Europeans who featured VAIC tube amplification with Ultimate Line (? not sure about the exact name) speakers produced superb results (speakers for $38000 featuring a tweeter made of diamond plasma). Cds were playing through the complete dcS chain. I enjoyed a lot the downstairs space of Headroom where one could check virtually every headphone under the audiophile sun starting from Grado sr60s to Sennheiser Orpheus . Included were Stax and every specialized amplifier. I ended up investing in a pair of Beyerdynamic 931 and the Wheatfield tube unit. I also liked the Grado amplifier.
Any opinions on the Tact? I think they are into something and both presenters were extremely were informed and pleasant. Their room compensation method works as it was easily demonstrated (on the other hand perpetual technologies was a disappointment; they played through Martin Logans that I never liked anyway and in a A to B comparison the sound was different but I would not say better with the compensation). Excellent sound I found in both AudioPhysic rooms both driven by tubes . The smaller Spark speakers were combined with Rogue Audio. The larger AvantiIII with Hovland. My vote for the best sound was this system fed analogue by Immedia and Lyra Helikon. Very pleasantly surprised I was when I discovered tucked at the end of 2nd floor Roman Audio (based in Texas and not in Italy). They featured a speaker they call Centurion that is a reworking of the drivers inside the Cabasse Farella. As noted already the crossover employs the diaural system of Kimber. This $5400 system sang in a pure Krell room and for my ears was better than the Krell LATs speakers upstairs ($10000). I concurr with the positive things said about Legend. In the large Linn room the CD12 sounded better than the LP12 combo but my judgment could be affected by the frisson of sitting next to Mike Fremmer.
In the category of entertaining Europeans Lars from Nordost gave a convincing presentation of the importance of cables with quick switches of interconnects. I would like to audition the Valhallas again. Music played was not audiophile crap but Cream, Doors and Led Zeppelin.
My overall impression was that the show was a great success and 2 channell is alive and well. But hey,if your cup of tea is home theater with Avantgarde or JM Labs their reps will be very happy to sell you some.
My take on the TAS room was that the sound was decent and the presentation well run. But together with some other rooms are addressed to Bill Gates and family. It is usefull to listen to the state of the art but I am more interested in things that I can hope to acquire some day. In this same league I would place the mbl system that occupies half the surface of a typical living room. However it sounded very nice especially given the constraints of the small hotel unit. I was not impressed by Egglestone and in the past I have liked their Andras. I think that Egglestone the person is not connected with the company anymore. The Airfoil hybrid is intriguing but with serious appearance problems ( and I have no spouse to contend with). In the cost no object level Lamm monoblocks and Utopias sounded impressive. Vandersteen lacked some magic. Spectral MIT Wilson : the bass was simply too much for that small room. Sonus Faber Amati hommage next door sounded more delicate. I, also agree with the reservations of others regarding Red Rose (they did feature SACD and a middle aged New Yorker salesman with regulation pony tail though). The Europeans who featured VAIC tube amplification with Ultimate Line (? not sure about the exact name) speakers produced superb results (speakers for $38000 featuring a tweeter made of diamond plasma). Cds were playing through the complete dcS chain. I enjoyed a lot the downstairs space of Headroom where one could check virtually every headphone under the audiophile sun starting from Grado sr60s to Sennheiser Orpheus . Included were Stax and every specialized amplifier. I ended up investing in a pair of Beyerdynamic 931 and the Wheatfield tube unit. I also liked the Grado amplifier.
Any opinions on the Tact? I think they are into something and both presenters were extremely were informed and pleasant. Their room compensation method works as it was easily demonstrated (on the other hand perpetual technologies was a disappointment; they played through Martin Logans that I never liked anyway and in a A to B comparison the sound was different but I would not say better with the compensation). Excellent sound I found in both AudioPhysic rooms both driven by tubes . The smaller Spark speakers were combined with Rogue Audio. The larger AvantiIII with Hovland. My vote for the best sound was this system fed analogue by Immedia and Lyra Helikon. Very pleasantly surprised I was when I discovered tucked at the end of 2nd floor Roman Audio (based in Texas and not in Italy). They featured a speaker they call Centurion that is a reworking of the drivers inside the Cabasse Farella. As noted already the crossover employs the diaural system of Kimber. This $5400 system sang in a pure Krell room and for my ears was better than the Krell LATs speakers upstairs ($10000). I concurr with the positive things said about Legend. In the large Linn room the CD12 sounded better than the LP12 combo but my judgment could be affected by the frisson of sitting next to Mike Fremmer.
In the category of entertaining Europeans Lars from Nordost gave a convincing presentation of the importance of cables with quick switches of interconnects. I would like to audition the Valhallas again. Music played was not audiophile crap but Cream, Doors and Led Zeppelin.
My overall impression was that the show was a great success and 2 channell is alive and well. But hey,if your cup of tea is home theater with Avantgarde or JM Labs their reps will be very happy to sell you some.