Interstin - New Jack White LP

Have a look 'n listen
I aplaude Third man records and Jack White for pushing the state of the art in what is possible from a vinyl record, but i am still undecided on the musical content.
I wanna know more about that funky phonograph they were playing the LP on

Gates turntable
Notec - THANKS. Very interesting. Especially liked the CB-4 horseshoe desk and
the ad copy. Appreciate you taking the time to find the info. The whole Modesto
Radio Museum thing is great.
Yes,Thanks Notec.Really enjoyed the Radio Museum, brought back memories of a late friend.As far as Third Man Records pushing the state of the art on vinyl records I have reservations.A friend bought the Shins live record on TMR and told me that sound quality was "terrible".I bought Volume 1 of The Mississippi Sheiks complete recorded output (TMR).Seems to sound a bit flat.It also seemed to have an excess of "Audio Restoration".When re-issuing material from 78RPM my preference is for more original signal even if that means more hiss and noise.I did go ahead and order the other four volumes as to have the Sheiks music in any form seemed essential to me.Any comments on sound quality by anyone who has actually listened to the Jack White LP?