Coax to Optical Converters Anygood?

I'm looking into purchasing a new dac that has USB and Optical input only. My transport is coaxial output only, and I'm not yet into computer audio.

Anyone have any experience using a Coax to Optical converter?



I bought a cheap optical to coaxial from monoprice and it does convert, but definitely not hi-fi grade.
Trucker, Thanks for the response. My transport is a 47 Labs Flatfish that has been upgraded with a super clock and BG caps. My hope is to find a converter that will compliment it and not loose the magic that it produces.
Thanks again.
With so many DACs available across all price ranges, why are you looking to purchase one that lacks the functionality you require? No matter how well implemented, adding another conversion to your signal does not seem like a good idea.
Dg1968, The question that I asked was if anyone has any experience using a converter. I didn't expect another question and a milk toast diatribe on Dac purchasing or system implementation. Have you used a Coax to optical converter? If not then move on!

FWIW I'm considering to buy the DSPeaker Anti-Mode Dual Core 2.0. The digital input is optical, hence the need for a converter. It also has line level input, USB input, and can be used as a preamp.. The point in purchasing the Dual Core 2.0 is to simplify my system, and make it easier to move to computer audio in the future. Do a search and read the Dual Core's features. The little unit looks impressive, WOWed them at CES, and I'm sure sounds impressive as well. I'm using the DSPeaker Anti-Mode 8033s on my subs now which happens to help produce the best bass that I have ever had in my 25+ years in this hobby. The Dual Core 2.0 will do DSP corrections to all room nodes up to 500hz, be a dac and preamp as well.
So now you know why I'm considering the need for a coaxial to optical converter.
Rodge-- Milk toast diatribe? Good one. Well at least it was short.

But seriously, and in deference to your 25+ years of experience, without further qualification, your original question frankly made it seem like you didn't have much experience with digital audio. Hence my simple question to you.

Now that we know the unit you are looking at is actually considerably more than just a DAC, things make more sense. The Dual Core 2.0 indeed sounds intriguing, but given its lack of coax input, the company clearly is focusing on computer audio.

Best of luck finding a coax to optical converter to complement your transport.