question for you guys: what do you listen to on streaming internet radio?
I've several apps on my iPhone for internet radion such as Pandora, TuneIn Radio, Radio Paradise & Jazz Radio.
In Pandora, I have several "radios" such as Coleman Hawkins Radio, Gene Harris Radio, Count Basie Radio, etc, etc. Each time I play any of these "radios" it starts off with the artist I like such as those named above but after 2-3 tracks Pandora in its infinite judgement chooses tracks that are LIKE Coleman Hawkins/Gene Harris/Count Basie but are NOT exactly the artists of my specific choice. The music is really not what I like/want to hear & I get pissed off & turn off Pandora!
With TuneIn Radio, I have many channels - Jazz FM91, WHRB Boston, WCRB, WVTF to name a few. In these cases, the channels are playing whatever program they have going on when I tune-in. I don't always like what they are playing & end up switching channel-channel & get bored &/or fed up trying to find a channel where I like track-after-track.
In the end, I find that the best alternative is to listen to my own music - spin CDs or stream off my iPod.
Am I doing something wrong in the way I select internet streaming radio channels?
It seems to me that you guys do not have these same issues that I seem to have? It looks like you guys can find internet streaming channels that you can listen to for hours & enjoy what you are hearing. If so, can you please share with me/us these wonderful music channels you are listening to with such dedication? Thanks.