best cd player to get??

i'm looking for a good cd player that will match the rest of my system, and am looking for reccomendations.

i have a pair of BG corps Z-92, a pair of bryston 14b sst mono block amps, and a rogue audio 99 magnum preamp.

my budget right now is only enough for around 1500 dollars.

my music collection is very well rounded, but it does lean towards more rock and heavy metal.

any recommendations would be highly appreciated.
Oppo seems to be very popular, some get them modded but that may be too expensive for you. They also seem to hold value fairly well.
Get the cheapest SACD capable player, and save money for it's replacement, when it fails. In the meantime you will have the peace of mind of knowing that it sounds as good as any other CD player, regardless of price. I would look at the Marantz SA8004 and the Denon 100th anniversary player. (currently discounted by $1000.) A lot of stuff used in your price range, but I would beware of buying anything used that has moving parts and or lasers. If sacd is not a priority, then Marantz CD 5004, or the NAD stuff.
I like the Marantz SA-8004 for $1K. It sounds great, plays both sacd and cd, has digital inputs for it's very good dac, and will also input computer usb. Read the review in the ABSOLUTE SOUND. One thing, one my sacd's it didn't want to read. Thats it though, only one. When i get home I think cleaning will help for that cd.
Have you considered a good DAC/Player combo? You could pick up a Rega or Centrance DAC and add a new or used player as transport. This would beat out many stand-alone players and give you greater flexibility down the road.

If you still prefer a stand alone player, the Rega Apollo is slick and the versatile Oppo 95 has most people pretty happy. You'll find it it pretty hard to find a "bad" player. I find the range to start at "excellent" and work it's way up, depending on system synergy.

