Transport for PS Audio PW DAC

Hi all, a few months back I decided it was time to upgrade my digital system... ended up buying a PWD to replace my Exemplar-Denon 2900. To be honest, it wasn't a huge change but I kept the PWD because it also helped out with the sound of my DirecTV and PS3.

Since I was wasting the great tubed analog output of the Exemplar, I sold it and bought an Oppo BDP-93 to serve as a true universal transport. Unfortunately it sounds a lot worse in this role than the Exemplar (it does, however, destroy my PS3 for blu-ray picture quality).

Anyway, I'm considering finding another player to use as a CD transport... I've thought about just buying an unmodified Denon 3910 (available for $150-200) and also the old Pioneer Elite PD-65 which is somewhat famous for it's transport abilities(also available under $300). Any other suggestions in this price range for a pure transport to pair with the DAC?

Thanks for the input... it's appreciated.
Yeah, I'm torn. I could also just give up on disks and start burning everything to a hard-drive. Of course I only have a laptop without a CD drive, so I still have to pay even to start that monstrous project.

Really the only thing that makes me consider cheaper/formerly expensive transports (perhaps as a bandaid before getting an i2s option) is how much better my Exemplar was than the Oppo. I could easily live for a long time with that level of band-aiding.
you could probably start that monstrous project for about $200-300, with a USB external cd drive and and an inexpensive NAS drive.

it'd certainly keep you busy while you save for the PWT and/or the Mark II upgrade for your PWD. and i suspect it would sound better than a $200-300 transport.
PWD MK2 upgrade is essential. That upgrade and the Bridge will allow you to forego CD playback. You'll love question about it.
if you want a transport, get the PWT. beg or borrow because as others have mentioned, they are perfect for each other via I2S. also agree with the MK2 comments. it really is a must imho and takes the PWD up a notch.

the PWT is way over budget but worth every penny if you can make it work financially. i don't see much improvement coming from a $300 move here but could be wrong??. i do know the PWT/PWD sound fantastic together and the bridge comes really close via network. no regrets with this pair unless you have alot more money to spend.

good luck
Am I right in assuming that the MKII upgrade has very little effect on bridge playback?

If I go the music server route I could either stream over usb or use the bridge (which I don't currently have), so I don't think I would upgrade both. Since you can pick up used bridges, that's a little cheaper of an option...