Transport for PS Audio PW DAC

Hi all, a few months back I decided it was time to upgrade my digital system... ended up buying a PWD to replace my Exemplar-Denon 2900. To be honest, it wasn't a huge change but I kept the PWD because it also helped out with the sound of my DirecTV and PS3.

Since I was wasting the great tubed analog output of the Exemplar, I sold it and bought an Oppo BDP-93 to serve as a true universal transport. Unfortunately it sounds a lot worse in this role than the Exemplar (it does, however, destroy my PS3 for blu-ray picture quality).

Anyway, I'm considering finding another player to use as a CD transport... I've thought about just buying an unmodified Denon 3910 (available for $150-200) and also the old Pioneer Elite PD-65 which is somewhat famous for it's transport abilities(also available under $300). Any other suggestions in this price range for a pure transport to pair with the DAC?

Thanks for the input... it's appreciated.
Well, that did it. Only one day of burn-in, but wow, that's the best music I've ever heard out of the system... stayed up all night listening. The Mark II upgrade completely changes the nature of the PW DAC, the imaging is just spectacular.

And for those using a mini in the future, here are a couple links to cd speed limiting software. If you're playing a disk directly instead of ripping, it's a necessity to keep the mini quiet.

Mac Side:
Windows Side:

I think I view the Mark II upgrade as mandatory if you're going with the PW DAC.
Now if I can just get a hold of a Thiel smart sub, I'll stop the equipment search and only spend money on music. It's nice to have the digital side finished.
Have you tried the Network Bridge option with the PWD? I prefer sending my flac files to the PWD via the bridge than using my Sony SCD777ES as transport.

I was able to try one out a while ago, but budget wise I was pretty much forced to chose between $500 for the bridge and $700 for the Mark II upgrade. I ended up choosing the Mark II for a few reasons: 1) it improves all of the digital inputs and I also run PS3 and direcTV through the PWD, 2) I frequently use the USB input to stream a Rhapsody subscription, and 3) I haven't ripped any of my CDs yet, and like the ability to just inserting a CD. I realize some of these are sound compromised solutions, but still, they're important from an everyday use perspective.

And honestly, now that the Mark II upgrade is in place, I'm extremely happy with the digital setup. To any other PWD owners (at least those who don't regularly use the bridge), I pretty much view this upgrade as necessary. I enjoyed the convenience of the PWD before, but it didn't really improve upon my tubed Exemplar DVD-2900. Now it most certainly does... really stunning sound.