PS Audio PWD MkII vs W4S DAC2

Has anyone done a comparo between these two DAC's. Love my W4S Dac2 but if the PWD MkII is a big step up, I might get the itch. Most interested in coax connection; less in USB.


Cymbop, I have a similar setup with a Touch. Only use digital out to PWD for SqueezeNetwork internet radio. From my experience, sound is superior with the bridge but very very acceptable with Touch.

Several suggestions:

1. Upgrade fuses in PWD
2. Get a good PC. You can pick up a HiDiamond P3 on Agon at good price. In system, I actually prefer P3s to Elrod Statements and easier to use.
3. Replace the Touch DPS with a LPS. Improves sound and lowers the noise level of your system. I got one from Channel Island.
4. With bridge, hardwired is superior to wireless. I found AQ made a huge improvement over generic ethernet cable.

I'm using PWD NOT budgetary reasons but it sounds excellent in my system. I plan to keep mine for a while too. Buy with your ears and NOT ...
While on the PWD MKII DAC topic, has anyone loaded the latest firmware (2.4 something)? Before I make the move, interested to hear comments. Yes, it can be reversed, but it is a pain tooling with these things.

While on the PWD MKII DAC topic, has anyone loaded the latest firmware (2.4 something)? Before I make the move, interested to hear comments. Yes, it can be reversed, but it is a pain tooling with these things.
Yes, I'm using Bridge Version:0.2.14f and DAC Version Mark II:2.4.3

These are the latest. This bridge version is more stable. 2.4.3 is the best sounding DAC version so far.

it's very easy to change Dac firmware, just download and copy to the SD Card.

To update bridge firmware, on PWD panel, scroll to Network bridge page and hit Update.

On PS Audio site, there's Official PS Audio PWD Firmware Download and Instructions - See more at:

BTw, the latest eLyric iPhone and iPad app doesn't work with ios7 so i've been using plugPlayer FYI
Accordinig to a number of posts on the PS Audio forum, the jury is still out on the latest firmware upgrade. A number of owners posted that they had gone back to 2.2. because they did not like the way 2.4.3 sounded.

I was considering upgrading to 2.4.3, but the mixed reviews convinced me to stay with 2.2.
Accordinig to a number of posts on the PS Audio forum, the jury is still out on the latest firmware upgrade.
It easy to install so I always want to judge for myself. If you don't like it, just roll back to the previous version. Takes 5 minutes MAX.

BTW, is there a CONSENSUS best sound version?