What's the best AES Digital Balanced cable you eve

What's the best bang-for-the-buck AES balanced digital cable you've heard?

And what's simply the greatest you heard?

I'm in the market for an AES to go from my Berkeley Alpha USB to my DAC and I just don't know one AES cable from the other. Thanks.
This is an expanded version of my earlier post about the HiDiamond Carbon 2 XLR (AES/EBU) digital cable.

I have had the HiDiamond Carbon 2 XLR digital cable in my system for only one day. I was going to hold off posting for a while. But right out of the box the sound is so stunning that I am impelled to make some initial observations.

The HiDiamond embarrasses all other digital cables I have had in my system — or have ever auditioned anywhere. In an email I received today from Audiogon regarding the general nature of an initial attempt to post about this cable, Audiogon encouraged me to go into the details regarding my observations. I am glad to do so here.

I have had many other digital cables in my system and have auditioned many others, as well. Some were excellent. So why is the HiDiamond so special? The HiDiamond transmits the feeling of being connected to a real performance in the way the other cables were not able to do. By this I mean that the instruments and voices are fleshed out and made real in a way that brings them right into your listening room and connects them to you on an emotional level through the feeling of being at the actual performance.

So, the music is more than the various criteria we use to describe the listening experience -- the air around instruments and voices, a black background, low level detail, tonality, dynamics, transparency, sound stage, coherence, etc. With HiDiamond a description of the parts cannot come close to the musicality that is portrayed. Talking about the parts is simply inadequate.

There are no parts. There is just a totality -- an utterly transfixing musicality -- a feeling of being one with the ambiance, of being connected to the emotion that the performance portrays. I have tried to put this experience into words but I have inevitably fallen short. Words cannot do this justice.
Sabai, I would appreciate getting a comparison of the HiDiamond to the Tesla D3, which it seems you were using earlier.
Good question. I am in the process of A/B-ing these 2 cables. I am also running them in series -- and then reversing them. So far, it looks like the winning combination is the HiDiamond Carbon 2 from the transport into the Tesla D3 into the CDP. I am running XLR. I will have more to say in a few days.
i purchased a aes/ebu cable from patrick cullen on audiogon.great cable and solid value.
Digital3, additional info would be appreciated. What did you have or try previous to this one? What is it you like about the Cullen?