Hi Res ripping software for Mac ?

I just got rid of my old pc and stepped up to Mac. I had J River on my PC, and I called J River to find out if I could download it onto my Mac. I was told that J River doesn't work on a Mac. Who makes the best ripping software for Mac?
I cannot hear a difference between transcodes (converting FLAC to AIFF) and extractions (importing CDs) I have done in MAX versus XLD.
What's wrong with itunes with error correction?
I can't tell the difference to XLD in AIFF

It all depends on CD. Regular real time CD player reads only once and when sample is bad (bad checksum) it corrects (Cross Interleaved Reed-Solomon error correction code) or interpolates. It has ability to correct errors smaller than 4mm scratch (along the track), interpolates between 4-8mm and skips (gap) over 8mm. My MAX set to "do not allow to skip" goes forever over bad sector until it finds right checksum sometimes never finishing (never interpolates) and Itunes is perhaps somewhere in between - making few attempts, then interpolating. On good brand new CDs all programs might do very good job. Sonic differences (interpolation) will most likely show on heavily used older CDs. I use MAX because it makes me feel better to have perfect copy.