Is Bryson BDA-1 still up to date.

I am looking to upgrade my DAC and am considering a BDA-1. I know this is a couple year old design. Is this still a good option or is there something better out there in the under 1500 used price range. I have a MHDT Havanna Dac now and want to keep some of the sweetness with a bit more detail.
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I have the Bryston BDA-1 and the W4S DAC2 and agree with Sboots in that if you aren't using the USB input then the Bryston is superior. I find it extremely musical and more analogue-like. And the AES/EBU connections are the way to go, regardless of the DAC/Transport.

I also have found that digital interconnects do make a huge difference. The WyWires are the best for the money IMHO.
Ksl822 How does the bass compare between the Bryston and the Wyred 4 Sound? I am trying out a Wyred DAC2 and love the bass and the resolution but I believe it could be more musical in my system.
I believe that the Bryston is more dynamic with more room for the music. Bass is about the same, but the Bryston is closer to an analogue sound. The W4S works best with their IS2 digital input.
BDA-1 is still a great sounding DAC. The lack of 24/192 USB input is the only limitation. Even so, you can get yourself an excellent MF V-Link 192 USB/SPDIF converter to play HD files from your computer.