Naim Dac or power supply?

This may have already surfaced, so forgive me if I haven't come across it yet.

I have purchased the Naim CDX2-2 and got the bug to go the Naim upgrade route.

My question to those who have gone before me is this, which investemnt yields the biggest reward- the Naim Dac or the XPS2 when added to my CDX2-2?
Please don't say both, I can only afford one at the moment.

I should add that upgraded power cord and fuse is in the works already.
Guess I'm not a real flat earther.

I understand what you are saying, but I think it is fair. The reason being is that: 1. This is what I came up with when I evaluated the equipment. It's not like I read about it in some silly magazine review or something. 2. It's my time & money and I have every right to check the equipment out and share whatever I find; good or bad.

More importantly, though, I have owned and used other equipment with optional power supply upgrades. No power supplies that I have ever heard made even close to the difference that these that Naim's made. Also, Naim is one of those companies where everything is a big secret. I don't know if you have ever spoken to them, but the only way I can describe it is odd. Any time you ask them a question about how something is made, you can see that they try to avoid giving an answer and they just act like they are uncomfortable in some way.

There are plenty of other audio companies that will tell you exactly how they make their equipment. As a matter of fact, they want to tell you. Why? They want to sell it to you. You hear something like this: "This is what we do that none of our competitors do and we are very proud of that." You won't here Naim make statements like that.

Given all this, it leaves me with 1 question that I ask myself. With regards to sound quality, is there something that Naim equipment does that no one elses does, there by making Naim a must have purchase? My answer is No.
Blk25, you said:

"Also, Naim is one of those companies where everything is a big secret. I don't know if you have ever spoken to them, but the only way I can describe it is odd. Any time you ask them a question about how something is made, you can see that they try to avoid giving an answer and they just act like they are uncomfortable in some way."

This sounds a little strange to me. When have you ever spoken to "them" and who or what is "them". There is plenty of info available on the web about Naim.

To the OP, I am a Naim fan and believe as stated by David that Naim offers a great way to upgrade within the brand wihtout having to sell off anything to achieve said upgrade.

As to then DAC vs XPS2, I would go for the XPS2 first, UNLESS you have other streaming sources that could utilize the DAC. You can add the DAC later when funds allow.

I have had CD5XS>DAC sublime. I currently have CDX2.2>Teddy Pardo XPS excellent.

That, again, is one of the most attractive things about Naim. So many options.

Good Luck!
Thanks to all who responded.

I am more inclined now to go for the XPS or similar UPS.

When it comes to making an improvement to the already good sounding CDX2-2,the Naim XPS is a bit pricey and hard to swallow.
Is the power stage in the CDX2-2 really that bad?
Not to my ears, so to really feel alright about the move I would need an audition of an XPS to justify it's cost,which is almost that of the cdx2-2.

If I were technically inclined, I would think that there must be someway to use the built in power supply and augment it with a less elaborate add on one.

In other words,why disable it altogether and render it useless ?

Why can't it be implimented and work alongside the added power stage ?

To me this would make more sense, and should be less costly.

It could be implimented in a quasi balanced power supply, the original PS running the left and the added on PS(made to match the ps of the cdx2-2)to run the right side.

If Naim could bring out something like this and price it at less than half the cost of a CDX2, then I believe it would sell quite well.

Perhaps a word or two to Naim from some of us could put the ball in motion? is where you can also inquire. I have the CD555/ PS555.
A few members there suggest adding a secondary PS555. Talk about an expensive upgrade!!

Well it looks like you got me. I don't know how I am going to explain my way out of this one. Let me ask you, though, why would I go out of my way to make something like that up? Unless, of course, I have another motive like trying to get the OP to buy the alternative brand I mentioned, instead of buying a Naim. Come to think of it, I didn't do that either.

The only thing that needs to be addressed then, is who is "them". The only answer I can give is, them is them; or Naim. If you are not that clear, you can dial Them's number at (972) 234-0182. You can ask Them all the questions you want, just like I did.


Welcome to Audiogon. This type of behaviour is common and just has to be tolerated, no matter how well meaning. When you ask for advice and opinions, not every reply will be good. If it were, there would be no point in asking anything. When I make a comment on something, I give a truthful one, good or bad.

It wasn't my intention of bringing brands into this; I just wanted to give you my thoughts on Naim. Given the confusion, its probably best to give you some more info and why I think what I do. A few years back, I had an Arcam FMJ 33. I was happy with it but thought Naim might be a logical upgrade so I went to my local dealer, who is excellent, and spent over 5hrs in the store comparing the Arcam to Naim. I tried all their models and power supplies. The owner of the store was there with me the whole time, giving his opinion and making sure I was setting everything up right. In the end, it turned out that my Arcam was more than competitive. To equal the sound quality with Naim equipment, I would have to spend $5000; more than that if I wanted an improvement. Just to note my Arcam went for $2500. I will admit that this was a subjective judgement, and you may feel different. I did, however, appreciate the owners honesty in his recommendation that I keep my Arcam. For what it's worth, my opinion was exactly the same.

So am I now telling you to get an Arcam? Compared to Naim, yes. Compared to my Ayre 7, no. Should you get an Ayre? Yes over the Arcam, no because my Wadia 861 is even better. -- I just put that last part in to show you why I held off on talking about any other brands that Naim in my earlier posts.

Good luck in your search and I think that I can safely say for the 3rd time, that a PS upgrade will be a noticeable one.