Naim Dac or power supply?

This may have already surfaced, so forgive me if I haven't come across it yet.

I have purchased the Naim CDX2-2 and got the bug to go the Naim upgrade route.

My question to those who have gone before me is this, which investemnt yields the biggest reward- the Naim Dac or the XPS2 when added to my CDX2-2?
Please don't say both, I can only afford one at the moment.

I should add that upgraded power cord and fuse is in the works already.
Guess I'm not a real flat earther.
You will be treated splendidly.
Naim gives great service.
Naim digital is superb.
Buy the power supply first, and no, there is no mingling
of supplies. The external one yields way more than the
built-in. That is Naim's way. One either buys into it or looks
The new XP5 XS is for the newer line of streamers, like the NDX,
or the DAC.
No, the upgraded power supply does not bring a "bit" more smoothness. It is a night and day difference. If you can't listen for yourself, there is nothing else I can tell you. If you don't want to spend the money, then talk yourself out of it by telling yourself it won't be that much better. People do that all the time.
Someone wrote:
"Well it looks like you got me. I don't know how I am going to explain my way out of this one. Let me ask you, though, why would I go out of my way to make something like that up? Unless, of course, I have another motive like trying to get the OP to buy the alternative brand I mentioned, instead of buying a Naim. Come to think of it, I didn't do that either.

The only thing that needs to be addressed then, is who is "them". The only answer I can give is, them is them; or Naim. If you are not that clear, you can dial Them's number at (972) 234-0182. You can ask Them all the questions you want, just like I did."


Ummm, "them" at that phone number are NOT Naim -- that is the phone number of their US distributor, The Sound Organization. They are merely a distributor of Naim (and other brands including Quadraspire) equipment, and if you called "them" and asked how Naim products are made, I am not surprised you did not get an answer. That would be like calling Macy's and asking how Chanel perfume is made . . .
I suppose I could talk myself out of it and tell myself it won't be that much better, or I could talk myself into thinking it will be that much better.

Easy to do either,what's hard is to talk yourself into thinking it's better after you buy it if there's not that great of an improvement.

Lots of folks do that also.

I just bought a Shunyata Annaconda Helix VX power cord for the player and I don't have to think if there's an improvement,it's quite apparant that there is.

So the next step is an improved power supply, which will take full advantage of the VX cord, or not?

Could the Pardo PS for example, be too smoothed out with the VX power cord?

Too much of a good thing?

Anyone have any experience with such a pairing?

No one said this would be easy, except for the folks who run straight out of the box and into the wall.

But I want more than that.
Lol to Bartolo..... I think a good 5 min chat with a Naim dealer would have sorted Blk out....maybe. It appears the OP received good advice regardless.