Need help matching DAC to speakers and amp

I have purchased a Bryston B100 integrated amp and B&W PM1 speakers (and JL sub). From what I have read about the Bryston, it is very true to form, not warm and not analytical. I have also listened to the B&W's and they are along the same lines, great detail, not warm. I think as I look to pair them with a DAC, I would like to get something that is on the warm side. Any suggestions?
Not sure what your budget is nor what you have experience with, as far as digital sources. I own a B60 and use a Rega DAC. A touch warm and smooth, but definitely not artificially so. The most musical digital source I've owned.

Have you heard the Bryston BDA-1? It's slightly on the warmer side (for Bryston anyway). Obvious synergy. If you've heard the BCD-1, then you've pretty much heard the BDA-1.
Have you listened to any of this stuff yet? I would suggest that you take your time and get to know your equipment first. This will allow you to make a much better choice. Also, you can get a DAC card for the B100. If you can get your dealer to let demo one, I would start there. I've actually heard B&W with Bryston and I thought they worked very well together.
Great advice, all. I find it very hard to trial equipment as most of the dealers near me have only a couple sources to try out.

I suppose my budget should "match" the relative price of my equipment....meaning I would not want to buy a $4,000 DAC nor a $300 one. Since DAC's are relatively new new me, I was guessing around the $1k mark.

I saw Musical Fidelity's Triple Threat tube DAC for sale and I thought it might fit the bill of what I was looking for: nice clean tube sound. My only reservation was that they have been discontinued.

The upgrade path of the internal DAC board was an obvious option at around $1k. I would also avoid having to buy interconnects. The one reservation I had with that option was that it seems the technology for DAC's is changing so rapidly that I would be better served by a more modern DAC release. Maybe you guys can help me out here.
Jeff, Neko Audio D100 fits your description perfectly. It uses Jensen transformers (no opamps) in the output path. A lot of people have heard it and it's a real bargain for the money. They even offer a free in-home 30 day trial.