Benchmark DAC 1 as preamplifier??

Well since I am in need of a pre (and a good DAC at a decent price) I am considering to buy a used Benchmark DAC 1 (not the DAC-pre model) for economics sake. The DAC 1 will drive a pair of Rotel monobloks Rb 1091. I understand the DAC 1 has a variable rca output which is controlled by the knob in the front plate of the DAC 1. Does this variable rca output mean that the DAC 1 can be used as a preamplifier?? Will this setup compromise the sound quality of my system?? Any comments out there would be of great help. Thanks in advance.
Well I decided to get the dac 1 to feed the rotel´s. The results are a lot better than I expected! Better highs, mids and the bass is more relaxed and articulated. The sound in my system improved in every way. Better and wider soundstage. Very clean sound.I can not complain about buying this little dac. Thank all for your responses!
An old Adcom pre gtp-350!! Before I was using a Bel canto SETi integrated amp and a Primare I21 integrated. I still have to use the dac 1 with the Bel canto.