Oppo BDP83SE vs Oppo BDP95

How does the Oppo BDP83SE compare with the Oppo BDP95?
Hi Jfz, are you using balanced outs or rca?
Something else worth trying, is to set the Oppos trims to there default of "0" with the volume at 100 and use the gain in your preamp from there!
I recently replace my Oppo BDP83SE with the Oppo BDP95. Its audio performance is better in a couple of important areas. The sound stage is much larger with more depth as well as width. Also, the sound of individual instruments are more fleshed out, particularly the way the overtones produced by the various instruments sound organically connected to them. The player is very detailed but it's presentation is very relaxed. I think because there is a complete lack of the usual digital artifacts.
By comparison, the Oppo BDP83SE sounds forward with a restricted sound stage and instruments not being fully fleshed out.
One finale note. Being a former tube guy and someone that listens to acoustic music almost exclusively, this is the first digital player that I've owned I felt didn't need tube electronics to make it listenable.

My current system:
Oppo BDP95
Musical Fidelity AC3r preamp
Musical Fidelity AC3r amp
Definitive Technology Mythos STS speakers
Wired with Kimber Hero and 8tc
Hi Larry7

When you compared the BDP83SE with the Oppo BDP95 were you using the unbalanced connections on both during your listening sessions?

Thanks for posting your thoughts.