Oppo BDP-95 Versus Bel Canto DAC 3.5

I am interested to hear opinions from those who have heard both.

I look forward to your comments.

Doggiehowser, thanks for taking the time to thoroughly answer all my questions. You were very helpful.

Just one final question: How does the Oppo compare to the Bel Canto CD2 as a transport?

I hope to one day own a great system like yours. Keep enjoying this great hobby of ours.

Thank you.

To be honest, I never found the Oppo to be a world class transport the way the CDPro2M is on the Ayon CD5S or Bel Canto CD2.

But it is very versatile and able to read just about any disc, so in a pinch I do use it to read my DVDA discs so I can send the 24/96 PCM to my XDS1 DAC.
Have heard both, to be honest the Oppo was described in such glowing terms in Stereophile that I had expected much more. I was quite disappointed.
I have the VB3.5 with the new analogue board upgrade, for me it's far better than the Puccini I used to own.
Hooked to a MacMini using an external 3Tb time capsule for storage, iTunes and PureMusic. For me, an excellent combo.
Had the Oppo in my system for a one on one, no comparison, Bel Canto better on every level. Strangely the only thing missing sometimes is that tactile involvement of changing disc, likened to picking what vinyl you will play next.

+1 Doggiehowser, Ricketysmurf. Use BDP-95 as a universal disk source and for great home theater. Go elsewhere for computer audio playback, and a fully configured BC DAC 3.5 system is near top-of-the line, imo.