You mean using the Oppo as a transport? That would only work with DVDA and RBCD I think.
For RBCD, the CD2 has an up sampling mode that outputs 16/44 to 96kHz. In conjunction with the jitter reduction circuits on both the CD2/DAC3.5VB, there seems to be a great synergy. I still think the CD2 is better than a MacMini.
I use a Wavelink HS with the bundled BNC cable (I found that if I used a better coax with adaptors, there are some drop outs with 24/192). I use a Locus Cynosure USB and the software that sounds best to me is Amarra.
For RBCD, the CD2 has an up sampling mode that outputs 16/44 to 96kHz. In conjunction with the jitter reduction circuits on both the CD2/DAC3.5VB, there seems to be a great synergy. I still think the CD2 is better than a MacMini.
I use a Wavelink HS with the bundled BNC cable (I found that if I used a better coax with adaptors, there are some drop outs with 24/192). I use a Locus Cynosure USB and the software that sounds best to me is Amarra.