Oppo BDP-95 Versus Bel Canto DAC 3.5

I am interested to hear opinions from those who have heard both.

I look forward to your comments.

You mean using the Oppo as a transport? That would only work with DVDA and RBCD I think.

For RBCD, the CD2 has an up sampling mode that outputs 16/44 to 96kHz. In conjunction with the jitter reduction circuits on both the CD2/DAC3.5VB, there seems to be a great synergy. I still think the CD2 is better than a MacMini.

I use a Wavelink HS with the bundled BNC cable (I found that if I used a better coax with adaptors, there are some drop outs with 24/192). I use a Locus Cynosure USB and the software that sounds best to me is Amarra.
Thanks. I think I will sell my Oppo and get a Mac Mini. Bel Canto is coming out with a new line of asynchronous USB converters which I will consider. I will miss the Oppo for it's ability to play SACDs (I have a small collection) and for its excellent video. Hopefully this will be a step forward in sound quality and overall convenience.
I still have my Oppo.

I use it for 3D BR playback and for stereo DVDA playback (output optical to my XDS1).

If i have the time, I might compare DVDA transport comparison between my Denon DBP4010 vs the Oppo 95.
"I think I will sell my Oppo and get a Mac Mini. Bel Canto is coming out with a new line of asynchronous USB converters which I will consider."

Given your budget considerations, do you happen to have an extra laptop or other pc that you can dedicate to computer audio, at least for starters? I ask this because for some, a Mac mini is only incrementally better than a well-integrated pc system. And your Oppo is perfect for not only those SACDs, but also those times when you want great audio and video from DVD or Blu-ray.

Also, consider existing versions of Bel Canto USB converters, typically selling at half retail, that are Centronics-based and excellent for resolutions through 24/96.
After reading Sterophile off and on for a few years and after subscribing for awhile, I feel like they hype things too much and seldom have anything bad to say about equipment they review. If the unit under review does have some bad points, they tend to say, "well, yes, but for the money..." or "well, yes, but you can't really expect..." - they hedge.

It seems like even if the unit has some significant drawbacks, the wrap-up paragraph of the review always tells us that the unit is still "amazing".

I have yet to see one where they review something, say "this is amazing", AND say "I'm going to replace my reference unit with this one!".