Tranquility DAC

Is anyone familiar with this DAC made by DB systems?
Thanks for the comments....I have an all Ayre system with Vandersteen 5A speakers. The system is actually very neutral.
There is a new affordable upgrade to the output section that is suppose to significantly increase the sound quality of the SE. I will be sending it off to dB Audiolabs soon. Go to and look at my review of a AQVOX USB power supply I use with my Tranquility. It was a night and day improvement for about $170. You can get the free home trial and see if you like the SE. I think you will like it better than Ayre. I know of a guy here on Audiogon who replaced his Ayre DAC with the Tranq SE.
Hello everyone,

I too am a fan of the Tranquility and the Tranquility SE, but some time ago I listened to an UltraFi DAC-41 and was literally swept away, sold the Tranquilities, and bought the DAC-41s for three systems I enjoy. Not long ago, I added the TwinREG powersupply modification to the DAC-41s and was astonished at the improvement in an already astonishing DAC. Larry Moore, as I understand it, is no long manufacturing or involved in the Tranquility series of DACs. I highly recommend taking a listen to the TwinREG modified DAC-41s... I am sure you will be pleasantly surprised. One thing I'd like to note about them is that they get better and better the more they are used.

:) listening,
