Ayre DAC vs Auralic vs Metrum vs Bel Canto

I'm trying to decide on which DAC to get. Could someone please highlight the best dac among these choices? I like smooth musical sound yet not too colored or sluggish. The Auralic got good reviews, but how does it compare to the competition?
I liked the Ayre QB9. I had it in my system for a short trial but couldn't bring myself to pay that much for only USB. I found it outperformed the Wavelink HS/Bel Canto DAC3.5VB combo I had. Not in terms of details but when hooked with USB, the pace of the music was just better.

I still preferred my CD2 + Bel Canto DAC3.5VB combo. There's something intrinsically right about the pace and energy of having a physical disc transport vs a computer.

Since then I have upgraded the DAC3.5VB to a MkII and I dare say it should be much closer. I also have switched to a Weiss INT202 which seemed better again than the Wavelink although it does not support Integer mode.
The conclusion that the Ayre QB-9 is less musical is ... odd.

An Ayre QB-9 was used in an all Ayre, solid state system driving SF Cremonas versus the Metrum being used in an all Shindo system, lush beautiful tube gear driving Devore Gibbon 9s.

The disclaimer is made that this is not an apples to apples comparison. No kidding, it's about as far from apples to apples as you can get. This is like comparing a Rolls Royce on one day to a Ferrari on another and saying the Ferrari is faster but the Rolls is more luxurious, and wondering, "Huh. Could it be the shoes I was wearing?"

I've had both the Ayre and Metrum in my system. The same system, in my room. I found the Metrum more clinical and the Ayre more musical, but neither was as resolving or as musical as the PS Audio PerfectWave DAC.
I would not forget to audition the PS Audio Perfect Wave II DAC. I have not heard the other DACs mentioned, but I know first hand that is dynamic, musical, without a hint of fatigue. Several reviews have compared t to the Ayre and Linn and it more than held it's own at less than half the price
( even less if you purchase on Audiogon). One can add the Bridge as well for a server system or just use the USB input. It and the Ayre arehand crafted in the USA. I'm not sure about the others.
Wilsynet, I'm sorry my experience bothers you so much that you needed to
publicly ridicule my comments and share your own experience without
providing the system context for which the pieces were incorporated. I guess
if we all had exactly the same ears then these threads would be superfluous
but this is not the case and constructive forum contributors offer their own
experiences which will likely never be 100% equal in setup to the
OP...and...we're not even talking about room, power quality, and other
environmental differences...but I guess you already knew that. This is not to
take anything away from the PS Audio PWD Mk2 which I've also heard in my
current setup but again did not find as engaging or musical as the Metrum
Octave. Anyway, since you feel you're the only one who's opinion matters, it
appears that the OP can stop looking since the definitive expert on all things
DAC related (none other than yourself of course) has spoken.