Ayre DAC vs Auralic vs Metrum vs Bel Canto

I'm trying to decide on which DAC to get. Could someone please highlight the best dac among these choices? I like smooth musical sound yet not too colored or sluggish. The Auralic got good reviews, but how does it compare to the competition?
Wilsynet, I'm sorry my experience bothers you so much that you needed to
publicly ridicule my comments and share your own experience without
providing the system context for which the pieces were incorporated. I guess
if we all had exactly the same ears then these threads would be superfluous
but this is not the case and constructive forum contributors offer their own
experiences which will likely never be 100% equal in setup to the
OP...and...we're not even talking about room, power quality, and other
environmental differences...but I guess you already knew that. This is not to
take anything away from the PS Audio PWD Mk2 which I've also heard in my
current setup but again did not find as engaging or musical as the Metrum
Octave. Anyway, since you feel you're the only one who's opinion matters, it
appears that the OP can stop looking since the definitive expert on all things
DAC related (none other than yourself of course) has spoken.
Jcote: I should have used more measured language, and I apologize for that. I'm not taking away anything from your view on things, and certainly my opinions are not the only ones that count.

I certainly have made no claim that my opinion is authoritative. My broader point is that clinical versus musical could have been ascribed to the speakers, the amplifier, the preamplifier, etc, not to the DAC. And so to draw a conclusion regarding the DAC when all of those other components have changed, I think that's quite the stretch ...

But let me again apologize for my inappropriate and impolitic language. That's not fair to you and was not reasonable for me to have done.
Wilsynet, I appreciate the reply.

Audiofreak32, aren't you a Linn dealer? If not my apologies.
ii have not heard a solid state digital source that has given me more pleasure than a tube-based digital source, given the "right" tube.

be careful.

i would advise you to listen, as you require a special mix of resolution and smoothness.

the balance you seek cannot be achieved by seeking and following suggestions.

you really need to listen, since your needs are quite specific.

there is no substitute for listening, even , given the difficulties of obtaining product.

if you base your purchase purely on the basis of the experience of others, you will expose yourself to risk.

don't take my word for it, trust your own ears.

try to expose yourself to as many dacs as you can.