A reasonably priced CD player with volume control

I'd like to connect a CD player directly, without a preamp, to my Carver power amp to drive Magnepan speakers. Hence a convenient way of controlling the volume would be a must. I listen almost exclusively to classical music, mainly orchestral and piano. Suggestions and recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
Depends on your budget: second hand Meridian 808 (original 3 generations ago), NAD CD players i believe usually have volume control.
I have used both the Theta Miles and Resolution Audio players directly into power amps in balanced mode to good effect. Have tried preamps in the mix and they never stay in the chain. Look for a player with an analog volume control. Digital drops bits as volume decreases I think.
The AH! Njoe Tjoeb 4000 and earlier versions of the Ah! players are based on Marantz mechanisms and have remote control.