A reasonably priced CD player with volume control

I'd like to connect a CD player directly, without a preamp, to my Carver power amp to drive Magnepan speakers. Hence a convenient way of controlling the volume would be a must. I listen almost exclusively to classical music, mainly orchestral and piano. Suggestions and recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
Regarding NAD, i think the older ones had volume control. sorry. The current model DAC appears to have volume control. In fact, it looks like you can use it as a full-fledged preamp.
Used Accuphase 75V.
Used EMM CDSD/DCC2 has the integrated preamp (2 boxes though, probably not what you had in mind).
I really loved my EAR Acute cdp. I haven't noticed what they are fetching on the used market in a while though. Excpect around $3,000...maybe cheaper? Also, I THINK the output voltage was 2V. I don't know what the input sensitivity of your Carver amps is.
Thank you again for the advice. With 30,000+ cd's I really need a good player. By the way, how would you play a cd on Linn DS? Audiolab 8200CDQ, Linn Genki, and Quad CDP seem promising, with 8200 perhaps the best candidate for me. Where I am (KY) it will be very unlikely or even impossible to audition any of them. Any additional information on how these units compare would be welcome, also I cannot go over $1500.00.
30,000 CDs?!?! Wow!!! I cannot even think of an additional 29,000 CDs i would buy! you're like 10 radio stations in one! ;) I cannot speak to any but the Quad which is nice, but i did not walk away thinking it was an exceptional steal relative to others. You could get second-hand ARC CD7, or CD5 which are both excellent.