dCS to launch a reference USB to SPDIF converter

Just talked with the dCS ppl during the show in Munich, and learned that dCS is about to launch two reference USB to SPDIF converters / clocks.

They will be vey much like their Puccini U-Clock, but will be based on Scarlatti and Paganini clocks. They will both do 24/192 and DSD over USB, and will be run from the dual crystal oscilators calibrated to 0.1ppm precision.

(regular VCXO that you can see in most if not all USB/SPDIF converters are calibrated to 10-20ppm).

The Scarlatti and Puccini U-Clocks will come with both SPDIF RCA and AES/EBU outputs, plus the host regular of BNC clock outs.

Current Scarlatti and Paganini clocks can be factory upgraded to the latest U-Clock status.

Forgot to ask about the prices, but since the Scarlatti clock is now $14k or thereabouts, the new model will be even more expensive.
wow, thanks for posting. My dealer had mentioned something was around the corner here.

I will say the clock is a big deal, are you still running the dac alone? I recently swapped out the stock clock cable for a cardas lightnig 15 bnc to bnc, it's clearly audible...everything seems to have more focus, better placement and maybe more extension...
edorr, why do you post stuff like this, buying gear like this creates jobs, it's our economic system. If you don't like it, move to north korea or cuba...great thing about the free world...if you don't like it, you're welcome to leave...
Amen.This contrived 1% against the world is so pathetic. Do the best you can with what you have and stop being jealous of those who have more.Castro or Chavez could make a serious run for the U.S. predsindency it seems.