dCS to launch a reference USB to SPDIF converter

Just talked with the dCS ppl during the show in Munich, and learned that dCS is about to launch two reference USB to SPDIF converters / clocks.

They will be vey much like their Puccini U-Clock, but will be based on Scarlatti and Paganini clocks. They will both do 24/192 and DSD over USB, and will be run from the dual crystal oscilators calibrated to 0.1ppm precision.

(regular VCXO that you can see in most if not all USB/SPDIF converters are calibrated to 10-20ppm).

The Scarlatti and Puccini U-Clocks will come with both SPDIF RCA and AES/EBU outputs, plus the host regular of BNC clock outs.

Current Scarlatti and Paganini clocks can be factory upgraded to the latest U-Clock status.

Forgot to ask about the prices, but since the Scarlatti clock is now $14k or thereabouts, the new model will be even more expensive.
Guys, relax. I don't have a problem with the 1% at all, and I am not the least bit jealous. I'm doing quite well myself, although I have not quite hit the 1% club yet. Although I can't afford $10K USB converters, I have one on order for $2250. For your typical single mom on welfare the difference is splitting hair.

Lacking a sense of humor is a far more serious problem than having too much money.
Ed - If I had to pay for distributor and dealer margin, advertising and a staff of marketers, believe me, yours would cost $10K too.

Steve N.
Edorr , my apology to you.Reading your post I could`nt tell/appreciate the humor.You were joking but there are those who are dead serious with that attitude so I just wanted to express my opinion.
Edorr, thanks for the reply, appreciate it. A lot of us come to this site to learn about the audio gear, not get into politics. Sometimes its hard to understand the humor with a potentially charged word or comment.

Anyway, hope your usb converter sounds great! Hopefully compnaies like dCS push the envelope and the industry as a whole benefits. I am VERY curious on downloadable dsd...

Ps, I am a lil touchy, if u saw what I pay n taxes, then others claim its "not a fair share" it gets under the skin some...plus I buy via dealers and pay sales tax mostly...