Tomcy6 - agree CD will be with us for a while and sales still dwarf vinyl - but the two formats have been heading in opposite directions for a few years now, something that would have been unthinkable 10 years ago. Downloads appear to be in the process of replacing CDs but never will replace vinyl. Plus, many vinyl sales are not captured in statistics - things like specialists online retailers, independent record stores, used shops etc.
In the next decade I could easily see CDs getting squeezed out by downloads on the one hand and vinyl on the other. They will likely end up in the $1.00 bins with DVD videos (squeezed out by downloads / netflix etc and Blu-Ray).
In the next decade I could easily see CDs getting squeezed out by downloads on the one hand and vinyl on the other. They will likely end up in the $1.00 bins with DVD videos (squeezed out by downloads / netflix etc and Blu-Ray).