Modwright Oppo 95 and Computer Audio

Jwm, Rfogel, Mike60, and others - Are you doing computer audio? I ask because I'm thinking if the Modwright Oppo is "good enough", I could just forget about getting into computer audio myself. At this point at least, I don't mind playing CDs. If the sound is significantly better with hi-rez computer files, though, then I want to be thinking about that too. I ask this question because I'm 1) Very "stupid" when it comes to computer audio - and, in fact, don't have a computer presently (and trying to figure out what to get); and 2) planning to get my Oppo 95 modified by Dan Wright or John Tucker (soon, I hope).


p.s. Do you any of you understand the advantage of the digital input Dan Wright is working on? I don't, since the Oppo already has a USB (and eStat, whatever that is)input.
Dan Wright responded to the USB input question by saying: "This can only be connected via USB and a standalone drive, but not a PC." It's surprising to me, because when the 95 came out I got the impression many people thought it was a great thing.
Like I said you plug your portable hard drive with High Resolution music on it directly into the Oppo 95 with a USB cable. The only difference is you cannot see the titles on the portable hard drive with your computer, but instead need a tv plugged into the Oppo. This is the only difference. The Oppo is processing the same Hi RES files through Dan's tube mods.
Thanks...I guess I just don't know what a "portable hard-drive" is.

In any case, the big thing I think I'm learning is that people are not going crazy/happy about all the wonderful hi-rez music that's available - that sounds *much* better than one can get with CDs on a truly great player. So far anyway (and admittedly with a very limited sample), it seems more people are focused on ripping CDs. And - *I'm assuming* - this is because of convenience, the desire not to have CD cases around, etc. If I'm right about this, I think a Modwright player may be just the right thing for me. Maybe I'm wrong, though. This is a forum for pretty serious audiophiles, and it's hard for me to believe they would be moving to computer audio just because of convenience.
First, having you entire music collection at your fingertips on an iPad / iPhone is priceless. There is no going back. Second if you have a good USB DAC or non-USB DAC with a USB converter, SQ computer audio is easily at par with spinning discs, in many cases better. If you go all out on hardware (I have the CAPS 2.0 servers, Offramp 5 USB converter with battery powersupply and a perfectwave MKII DAC), computer audio will blow CD out of the water. To me this is a total no brainer.
Jfz the modwright player is fantastic. It is better than many over 10,000 cd players and you have the choice of using it with High resolution downloads in the future. A portable hard drive is exactly what it says. All computers have built in hard drives. If you put a lot of movies and music on your computers hard drive you can easily fill it up to its limit. A portable hard drive allows you store more data and can then be accessed through your computer or by attaching it to the Oppo. They typically cost between 80.00 to 150.00 depending on how big you want the hard drive to be.