Solen vs Hovland caps

Looking for opinions on whether it would be worth it to change the caps in my diy monitors from solen to hovland caps.My speakers are scan speak 1845's and 9900[revelator]tweeters.Also interested in veiws on other cap brands that might be considered as good or better than hovland.
Hovlands are by far the best caps I've used. It beats out the Solens and the Multicaps. Only problem is that they costs an arm and a leg. These caps have the smoothest highs and mids I've encountered so far.

If you think your speaker is worth the change, then do it.

Hope my input helps.
The Solens are metalized poly - meaning the poly film is spatter coated whereas the Hovlands use a seperate layer of film and foil for a cleaner noise-free sound. My opinion is try the Hovlands. If you find them to "bright" or forward sounding, try a Jensen copper foil in oil - the best cap I've ever used.
Hi I have a very similar Scanspeak speaker I built.I'm assuming you have a 12db octave crossover with a cap and coil in each leg and perhaps a resistor on the tweeter.I've built crossovers using several types of components and I would agree that the Hovlands are the best.But aside from being very expensive they are huge in size also so you would need to plan space on a board for them.One good alternative I've tried is to use smaller value hovlands as bypass on a lesser quality cap ,say the Solens.Another excellent quality cap thats generally smaller and more affordable are the Wonder caps also if your going the extra mile for best sonics don't forget to use the best air core inductors such as the Solo foil type or the Solen heptalitz.Just one more observation the Solen caps are basicly just ok.not in the same league as the afforementioned but it's amazing how many top speaker manuf. use these and claim to have 'the best 'parts .I've looked inside many so called great speakers and I can't believe the junk parts used on a great deal of them.