Abbingdon music research AMR cd-77 is how good?

The AMR CD-77 cdp got some pretty good reviews from the likes of stereotimes, dagogo, and 6 moons reviewers....

BUT is this cdp a reference cdp or just a small improvement from competitors like Lector 0.6T, Wadia, Meridian G08 or 508.24, Electromcompaniet EMC 1-up..

Just how good is it??
I would like to hear your thoughts on the type of sound produced by the cd-77? what are your thoughts on the 77.1 upgrade?
To be honest Dvdgreco, the CD-77 is a very nice CDP, but I've never owned one. I've heard it on several occasions, but I don't know if I've heard the 77.1 upgrade or not. I've never considered spending that much $$$ on a CDP, as I am an analog first type of listener. Once I re-discovered analog about 11-12 years ago, I have simplified my digital systems. I am quite happy using a highly modifed Marantz SA-11S1 when it comes to digital reproduction. I have heard more expensive players in my system that haven't sounded as good, and though I have heard other digital setups in other systems that sounded nice, none of them made me want to invest more $$$ into digital reproduction. I haven't heard the Electrocompaniet, but I have heard the Lector, Wadia, Meridian, EMM Labs and AMR CD-77. They are nice CDP's, but IMHO, they can be beaten by a $1K analog rig, so why bother?

In essence, I can't be of much help to you. I was just being a smart ass in my first comment because how can you measure how good a product is? By how tall it is? By how much it weighs? By how much it cost? By how good others tell you it is? Just how good it is can only be answered on a personal level, unfortunately there is no substitute for personal audition.
I share John's values as to spending money on digital and would not spend the kind of dinero the AMR costs. Prejudices now noted, I'll say I listened on two different days for an extended period to the AMR player in all AMR system with Rosso Fiorintino speakers at Axpona this year and thought the system was one of the best sounding at the show. But unless you auditioning the player as the only new variable in a system you are very familiar with, it's hard to give meaningful advice. I did have the impression Bill (Audiofeil) mentioned, there were ultimately better values out there. But being more expensive doesn't mean a product lacks merit.
Jmcgrogan2 & Photon46 you have points I agree with:

This is a VERY subjective hobby, each listner has their own perception of what qualities are good/bad and ultimately how a piece or group of peices sound. In my view I would rather audition personnelly before making a decison; however, the ability to auditon various pieces is not always possible and the consencious opinion of many users is helpful.

secondly, analoge is analoge and digital is digital. Whether one sounds close to another or better is subjective. I understand this.. Reading through the weeds of the gon & many reviews on components one can gain knowledge on an item which can't hurt..

Based on all reviews and comments from you and alike, the cd-77 is a very good player with sonic similarities to analoge. I and only I can determine if this is good for me. I do NOT believe the more $$ you spend the more you get or better you get. Just look at taxes, they go up but do we get better???????