Best Server - Mac Mini or Laptop Or ?

Suggestions on getting the best sound from the mp3 files I have.

- Existing 5 year old Mac Pro laptop
- New mac mini
- Modified mac mini (Mac2music seems to have disappeared - any suggestions on simple mods to make?)

I have tried both PC's and 2009, 2011 Mac Minis, including Mach2Music. By far the best playback I have found is using my 2009 Mac Mini using the USB port next to the center one. A major difference in these computers is the USB port electronics IME. All Minis were DC powered or battery powered (even the 2011) and had 120GB SSD installed, no spinning hard disks.

I use not the latest version, but an older version of Amarra, 4318/19:

I have had a number of servers here and so far none of them challenge the 2009 Mini using this version of Amarra. Won best sound of show from TAS for 2 years at RMAF using this combo.

I would buy a late 2009 Mini on ebay and then add the SSD from Other World Computing to it. Takes 30 minutes. Then consider a power supply from Paul Hynes Design for it.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Next thing to do is ditch the MP3's and play AIFF files on the Mac. Rip CD's using XLD (freeware).

Steve N.
Empirical Audio